PIL - People I Like - #5 - Graphic Designer / Illustrator / Painter miss Ranio Sarri
Her name is Ranio and she is my first female-PIL entry. She was born and raised…
A historic live show from PULP or another reason to recollect the era of film
2011, May. Barcelona. Primavera Festival. Nearly 140000 people in 3 days.
Primavera festival is one of its kind and we were lucky enough…
PIL - People I Like - #4 - Food Microbiologist (MSc.) Mr. Alexandros Kanapitsas
Mr. Alexandros Kanapitsas has a passion and this is music; sometimes…
How to build a small business with the help of photography and science
One of my favourite photography techniques is called photoelasticity…
"Happiness Is", Vol. 1
Since there is a lot of misery around us here in Greece and in the rest of the…
PIL – People I Like - #3 – MPC Music Man Mr. Billa Qause
My third entry for my personal PIL project is the talented Mr. Billa Qause.
Marketing myself or How to avoid common mistakes at the start of your web presence - Part 2 / Culling
It was obvious from the start that the hardest part of Rebranding…
Cool summer
I hope you all have great time during this summer,and i wish we all come back…
PIL - People I Like - #2 - UTM operator Spyros Dakas
Second entry for my PIL project is my friend Spyros Dakas.