“Does this camera take good photos?”
This might be the question I’ve been asked the most.
And the answer is really simple…
Lists - The Photographers | Women - Vol. 3
Here is my third list with some of my favourite photographers; the female ones. Of course, some of them…
National Garden | Athens
It was a cold morning with cloudy sky. We have been already deep in the second lockdown, due to COVID-19 and I desperately wanted to go…
Marketing myself or How to avoid common mistakes at the start of your web presence - Part 7 / Social Media
In today's age of unimaginable speed and endless information…
Marketing myself or How to avoid common mistakes at the start of your web presence - Part 6 / Website Design
Reaching the stage where (finally!) the editing was finished…
Lists - The Photographers - Vol.2
Here is my second list with some of my favourite photographers; in random order (and not all of them in any way of course):