The Loners - Galaxidi

One of the strongest, most pleasant memories that my sister and I have has to do with Galaxidi.

When we were children, for many, many years, almost every 3 days, our parents would take us on a short trip to the sublime Galaxidi.

Galaxidi is a small village very close to where I grew up and it is just beautiful. Its history and attractions are so important, so much so that I should normally do a long, detailed post.

Since I am now in the midst of many changes to my website (announcements will follow to those who receive my newsletter), I'm just taking this opportunity to show you this photo I took with my drone on a cold morning last October.


I promise to return with a fulfilling post about this such important piece of my childhood memories.

Nick Boutsikos

My name is Nick (aka Nidibou) and I am a Travel, Nature and People photographer, based in Athens, Greece.

Bits of Berlin


Beauty around us / Mycenae